Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Many of you have asked about private lessons. I'm currently not teaching privately due to the rigors of my "day" job teaching publicly.

Here are the names and phone numbers (in alphabetical order) of the private voice teachers in Tillamook County that I'm aware of:

Caryn Backman 842-6865
Shirley Christensen 842-4127
Robert Herman 322-9674
Dwight Phelps 377-4568
Michael Simpson 355-2692

If there are other private voice teachers that aren't listed, please let me know. You will need to contact the above teachers and inquire about their rates and lesson location.

I hope this helps some of you. I personally began voice lessons as a junior in high school and continued lessons until I was 24. I wish I still had the time and energy to take lessons.

Individual private lessons will not only improve your technique and musicianship but will upgrade any choral group you sing in.

Go ahead...give 'em a call.

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